Our Mission
Our aim is to minimize the economic and environmental impacts of diapering. We know that 1 in 3 Minnesota families struggle to provide a sufficient number of clean diapers to ensure diaper changes occur as often as necessary. And, while cloth diapering is more cost effective in the long term, there is an initial financial barrier to getting started. Furthermore, we know that approximately 20 billion disposable diapers are added to landfills throughout the country each year, creating about 3.5 million tons of waste—waste that does not decompose for 400 years.
Our Program
MCDB loans cloth diapers to Minnesota families looking to utilize cloth, without having to make the initial investment in their own stash. This system helps families save money in both the short- and long-term. Our goal is to support Minnesota families and divert as many single use diapers from the landfill as possible. We have multiple sizes to accommodate each family’s unique needs. We have a variety of cloth diapering options including pockets, AIOs, and flats/covers. Every effort is made to meet the requests of our clients. There is no income requirement in order to participate in our program!
With your support, we’ve helped more than 400 Minnesota families meet their diapering needs with cloth diapers! Let’s keep spreading the #clothdiaperlove!
Cloth Diaper Love
I love that I am sending less waste to the landfill, and I don't have to worry about any disposable diaper leftovers as my daughter grows. Using MCDB has given me the opportunity to experiment with lots of different types of cloth diapers, and now my family and I have figured out which ones are the best fit for us.
- Alice
As a foster parent and a mom to many kids I have to say you guys are a lifesaver. Because of you not only have I been able to keep my own children in diapers during a pandemic but I’ve also had them on hand for every kid that has come through the door since.
- Faires
I enjoy using cloth diapers because it’s more eco-friendly and body-friendly than disposables, with less waste and less chemicals for my little one. I especially enjoy MCDB’s cloth diapers, because I’m able to try a variety of options to figure out what works for us and different situations, such as daytime vs nighttime.
- Tiffany
Have you participated in our cloth diaper loan program? Share your experience with others! Leave us a Google review here.
(Click on the reviews link next to the stars on the right side of the page.)