Frequently Asked Questions about Cloth Diapers

What are the different types of cloth diapers?


  • Flats: single layer fabric that can be folded in many ways to fit your child’s unique needs best.

    Pros: fastest wash and dry, easy to handwash

    Cons: requires more work before putting on the child and needs a water proof cover

  • Prefolds: multi-layer fabric that is then tri-folded into a pad fold before placing on the child

    Pros: fast wash/dry, easy to handwash, less folding than flats

    Cons: requires a water proof cover

  • Covers: waterproof fabric to be placed over flats/prefolds. Can be waterproof fabric snapped over flat/prefold or wool “pants” that have been lanolized


  • Pockets: diaper with water proof outer layer and a pocket to add inserts/flats/prefolds to for absorbency

    Pros: easy to attach to a child once stuffed, easier for daycare/grandparents/babysitters, significant ability to adjust absorbency needs

    Cons: requires stuffing and unstuffing of the pocket, entire diaper has to be changed out with every diaper change

  • All In One (AIO): Cloth diaper with absorbancy attached and outer water proof layer

    Pros: No folding, stuffing or need for waterproof layer, simplest for daycare/grandparents/ babysitter

    Cons: hardest to get completely clean, longest drying time

How do I wash cloth diapers?

  • Wash Instructions:

    • Short cold wash with 1/2 the recommended detergent for a fully soiled load.

    • Hot regular wash with 1-1.5 the recommended detergent for a fully soiled load.

    • Tumble dry low or air dry.

  • Use a recommended detergent: Tide, Tide Free and Gentle, Gain, Persil, Persil ProClean, ProClean Sensitive, Dreft or Foca (Foca is the cheapest option).

  • Never soak your diapers shells or wet bags as it will damage the laminate.

  • No bleach, fabric softener or other laundry additives.

  • Wait for your diaper shell to cool completely before stretching or using as it can decrease the life of the elastics.

  • What do I do with the poop?

    • Breastmilk poop = washable

    • Formula poop and toddler poop = plop the poop in the toilet first, then wash

  • Diaper rash

    • Avoid diaper creams with petroleum and zinc oxide unless you use a liner

    • Safe creams include: Angel Baby/Bottom Balm, Baby Bottom Better, Green “All-Natural” Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, Burt’s Bees Multipurpose Ointment, California Baby, CJ’s BUTTer, Claymazing Powder, Magic Stick, Northern Essence Diaper Salve, and more.

How do I know my cloth diaper fits correctly?

  • Unlike disposable diapers, the key to a good cloth diaper fit is to make sure the diaper has room to absorb pee and to get the elastics in the underwear lines. See below for a pictorial on a good fit!

  • Remember:

    • Tummy gaps are ok!

    • Light red marks that look like sock lines are the elastics are ok! …deep red marks that last hours are NOT.

    • Poop explosions are NOT typical in cloth diapers.

Diapering with an AIO OR POCKET Diaper:

Diapering with a Pre-Fold and Cover: